MayJune2024 Promotions

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Vantage Point - 9/14


a little reminder...THAT MAKES A BIG DIFFERENCE

Humans are, and will always be social creatures, so why are so many of us experiencing clients elongating their visits between services? I believe there are many reasons why and they all have very solid answers! It is not so much about the reason, it is more about what we could and should do to make them feel they are important.

I had to reflect on a day that an individual made me feel I was important. It’s that moment when I go to pick up my mail and I see that someone has taken the time to write a hand written note. This note instantly brings me joy. It becomes a special item, one that I carefully place on my countertop away from all of the other items. Take a moment to think about all of the hand-written letters you have received and imagine what it would be like if they didn’t exist? To touch the words that someone has shared makes those words come alive. You immediately feel a deeper connection. Your words, the paper, pen and stamp you choose make a more personal statement.

I wish I could send this message to you all of you, in a handwritten form and send to your personal home. I just wanted to take a moment to share my personal reflection with you to think about your own client base and maybe inspire you to reach out with to them with a handwritten note or even a phone call to connect with them in a different way, a more personal way. Perhaps, sharing something personal with them like a new recipe you found or a book you have been reading that made you think about them. Or maybe, you take the time to let them know how much you appreciate them as a client and you can’t wait to see them next time.

We all know today is a different day, one where we all need to feel a little more special! So, if it’s not a letter, think of how you can make them feel special in your own personalized way. By being thoughtful, and not waiting for them to reach out - they will thank YOU for it!

With all my thoughts,

George Learned
Owner of Salon Services